24 Jul
LT Janette Arencibia Kabul, Afghanistan Oct. 2006

Posted by admin in the Afghanistan archive

garden-of-afghan-soldier.jpg… I have been here for three weeks and have a year to go. Other
soldiers (including coalition forces) have been establishing gardens in
this country for the last several years.

… My job as a gardener is to share my passion
with the other wonderful individuals who have already made Afghanistan
more beautiful.

I am attaching a few pictures from a small garden in Kabul, specifically
at Camp Cobra, an Afghan National Army base. This garden was created by
an officer in the Afghan National Army with a passion for flowers. I
listened to him passionately tell the story of the origin of the seeds -


47 Responses to “LT Janette Arencibia Kabul, Afghanistan Oct. 2006”

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