29 Jan
DUAL SITE: A Psychogeographic Dinner Theater

Posted by Kenneth Helphand in the Defiant Garden Projects archive

From Whitney Art Works, Portland Maine

DUAL SITE: A Psychogeographic Dinner Theater - image 1Part two of a long-term nomadic-dinner-theatre. Our first experiment, Blue Hammer, resulted in sold-out shows, with dinner served to 180 audience members, and the formation of an emergent network of Maine artists, farmers, designers, architects, technicians, students, and writers.

For the entire month of January 2010, 6 performances, our company of actors chefs, designers, media technicians will be in residency at Whitney Art Works. We will be presenting a premiere performance, DUAL SITE, featuring two actors in acts of reclamation and recollection: Paris, 1850, excerpts from the Journals of the Goncourt Brothers – Russia, 1929, two men seek answers in a doll store, just under the heel of Stalinist annihilation, adapted from a short play by A.A. Amal’rik – Warsaw, 1944, the last two gardeners, in the last Jewish garden in the Ghetto – drawn from the book DEFIANT GARDENS by Kenneth Helphand. Each night, between sequences, a three-course dinner will be served to the 10 members of the audience in custom produced porcelain bowls, in collaboration with Maine chefs, bakers and farmers. Throughout the run of the show, we will operate a graphic-arts production workshop in the gallery issuing press-releases, posters, pamphlets, recipes and contemporary propaganda. The gallery will, in addition, function during the day as a showroom for a range of design prototypes.

This production will feature furniture prototypes from Jamie Johnston, and limited edition letterpress by Megan O’Connell. Cook Leon Johnson will feature produce and supplies from local farms. The production also includes new sonic compositions from Joey Bargsten and Justin Taylor, with video by Rapahel DiLuzio. Defiant Gardens Tree sculpture by Carol Emily Brower.

Starring Peter Brown + Dennis St. Pierre. Dramaturgy, Laura Chakravarty Box. Costumes by Jessica George and clothing donated by Rogues Gallery. Tintype Photography + Selected Ephemera by Cole Caswell.”

Performances begin at 6 pm. Pay-up-front-reservations - $45.00. Audience limited to 10 per night.

Please contact the gallery for details and reservations 207.780.0700

61 Responses to “DUAL SITE: A Psychogeographic Dinner Theater”

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    tnx for info….

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  61. 1reductions Says:


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